Awards & Recognition

Selected for Annual Boller Review Journal

The Boller Review Advisory Committee nominates 1-2 thesis from each individual college at TCU to be published.

“During the Spring semester, each of TCU's colleges are invited to nominate two outstanding student research or creative works for publication in The Boller Review: A TCU Journal of Undergraduate Research & Creativity.”

IDAC: Inclusive Design for Autism & Cognition

There are 23.2 million individuals in the United States with a Cognitive Disability. More specifically, an estimated 5.5 million individuals in the United States are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Current web accessibility standards enforced assist in creating equal opportunities for individuals with most disabilities. However, a large population of individuals with cognitive disabilities are not considered within these guidelines. Technology is increasingly relied on within the workplace and school environments creating a barrier for individuals with cognition deficits. Web accessibility cannot be accurately described as inclusive unless it is universally inclusive of all disabilities, including neurodevelopmental disabilities. IDAC, Inclusive Design for Autism and Cognition, aims to close this gap and create a web experience that is accessible to everyone allowing for equal opportunities regardless of cognitive level.

This project’s objective was to create web accessibility standards to be adopted and enforced alongside current ADA Section 508 requirements. This was accomplished through extensive research and identification of common symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Cognitive Disorders and current web accessibility guidelines. The final deliverables included the branding and creation of IDAC. The IDAC Standards for Accessible Design covered over thirteen topics of User Interface Design which can act as visual stimulants to individuals with ASD or Related Cognitive Disabilities. Further, a digital and print reference guide was created alongside promotional collateral to raise awareness of IDAC’s cause.

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Thesis Statement

This is the research and development process of a web accessibility experience that is inclusive to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Cognitive Disabilities. This was accomplished through extensive research in which I learned about potential symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Cognitive Disabilities and analyzed currently enforced Web Accessibility guidelines and the topics included in them. Based on my discoveries of these common symptoms and current guidelines, I identified opportunities to improve web accessibility on behalf of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Cognitive Disabilities. The final deliverables were the creation and branding of an organization called IDAC, which stands for Inclusive Design for Autism and Cognition. The main function of IDAC is to promote inclusivity and awareness of Autism and Cognitive Disabilities so that web accessibility can be universally accessible to all. The deliverables include the development of a website and publication with the IDAC web accessibility standards.



Qualitative research was used to collect information pertaining to the prevalence of cognitive disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States of America. Descriptive and exploratory research was conducted to gain a greater understanding of the common symptoms associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Related Cognitive Disorders. Anecdotal research also provided empathetic insight into user needs regarding web accessibility. Exploratory research revealed a gap in web accessibility standards regarding accessibility for cognitive disabilities. Sources included scholarly articles on Autism Spectrum Disorder, common symptoms, Sensory Processing Disorders, and Executive Dysfunction. Academic journals and advocacy organizations on these topics were also reviewed. These sources provided insight into user base demographics, web accessibility solutions, design considerations, and background into web accessibility standards and potential solutions that can help create a more accessible web experience for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and cognitive disabilities.