IBM | 2021-2022

➯ Art Direction
➯ Tactical Activation
➯ Concept Development
➯ Strategy

Inspiring developers to join the challenge of tech for good.

IBM’s Call for Code is the largest tech for good initiative of its kind. The world is facing unprecedented, interconnected challenges on a global scale, and IBM’s Call for Code calls on developers to create technology that can help, whether that is through challenges, deployments, or open-source development. This global developer challenge pushes innovators in technology to build their skills by using the latest cloud and AI technologies to form teams and ultimately take on climate change.

 Use social media influencers to break through to the developer audience who might not be aware of tech for good initiatives, such as IBM’s Call for Code.

My Role
Develop concepts for the social campaign under the theme of “Layer by layer, line by line”. Design social graphics for featured influencers. Art Direct the motion graphics team through the animation and Art Direct illustrator through creation of the illustrations.

Join forces to amplify our influence and change the course of climate change.

➯ Strategy

The Challenge
The IBM global developer challenge asked practitioners and innovative thinkers to build their skills while helping save the planet. By using the latest cloud and AI technologies, developers could form teams to take action on climate change by partnering with key climate change champions at both the community level and in the policy-making sphere.

The catch? In the thick of the pandemic lockdown, we needed to identify, invite, train, and equip influencers to independently create content in their area of expertise, all under a unified tone, look, and feel —then bring the content to life in a campaign to compel developers to participate in the Call for Code challenge.

Our Insights
We need content from credible climate influencers, but our climate warriors are challenged by limited time and resources to spread their message; they may also feel a bit overwhelmed or intimidated to contribute content if they perceive the commitment demands to be too much from them. Depending on their level of proficiency with content creation, there is an opportunity to give form, guidance, and consistency to how they package content.

By changing an atomic habit — a personal, micro change toward a more sustainable lifestyle, like recycling, water conservation or urban farming — we can build momentum toward positive change on a larger, macro scale. Each layer of our challenges reveals a new opportunity to redefine our future, and redirect the course of climate change. 

➯ Creative Direction
➯ Activation

Lakshyana K.C.

Lakshyana K.C. is one of the developers of ISAC-SIMO, a mobile app that helps communities detect construction dangers in residential areas that are at risk for natural disasters. Learn more about her experience as a Call for Code participant and as a woman in the technology industry.

➯ Activation

Albert Um

Albert Um, Analyst at Horizon Media, is a data science practitioner that began his data career with the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate through Coursera. Albert built an application leveraging data to predict wildfires in Australia. Learn more about Albert’s participation in the Call for Code challenge.

➯ Activation

Lori Garver

Lori Garver is a Call for Code judge this year and the CEO of Earthrise Alliance. Earthrise Alliance is a philanthropic organization that derives value from Earth system data to create relevant and actionable knowledge to combat climate change. Learn more about Lori’s involvement in Call for Code and her contribution to the fight against climate change.

➯ Activation

David Katz

David Katz is a Call for Code judge this year and the Founder and CEO of Plastic Bank. Plastic Bank builds ethical recycling ecosystems in coastal communities and reprocesses the materials for reintroduction into the global manufacturing supply chain. Learn more about David’s involvement in Call for Code and his contribution to the fight against climate change.